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Top 6 Ways a Hot Tub Can Improve Emotional Wellness

hot tub wellness, relaxing in a hot tub, wellness benefits of spas, mental wellness, mental health, emotional wellness
Let’s be honest, everyday life is straining. As the pressures in life grow, finding happiness isn’t always as easy as it used to be. But if you’re lucky enough to have a hot tub at your home, daily soaks can offer ways to center yourself and your family. Finding just 20 minutes to spend in your spa every morning or night can allow you to soothe yourself emotionally and physically which in turn will bring positivity into your life. Here are six ways a hot tub can help improve emotional wellness.


Our family and friends that surround us are what make life wonderful. But sometimes, to truly appreciate them, we need to take time to ourselves. In our ever busier lives, however, that time can be tough to find. The fact of the matter is, most us can’t take monthly vacations to rejuvenate!

With a hot tub located just outside your back door or even inside your home, it’s much easier to make the time to relax in your own personal paradise. Disconnect from emails, texts, and phone calls to meditate. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature or your favorite soothing music with a wireless music system.

Being able to relax in the warm water of your spa when the mood strikes will allow you to recharge and help improve your emotional wellness so that you can truly make every day better!


When you aren’t feeling right physically, it’s hard to feel good emotionally. Each profession places different strains on the body. If your work is extremely physically demanding, your hands, arms, shoulders, or back can end up extremely sore and tight at the end of each day. If you spend most of your day on a computer, odds are you’re straining neck muscles staring at your screen and hunching over your keyboard.

No matter your profession, you’re putting your mind and body into it in some way or another. Meaning, every so often, you might feel the painful results of every reach and bend when you get home. Your hot tub can provide the comfort and relief you need on those occasions.

The heat and buoyancy of hot tub water combined with the powerful hydromassage jets work together to offer wellness benefits through soothing hot tub therapy that can ease those daily body aches and pains. Buoyancy takes the weight of gravity off your joints while the heat of the water relaxes you, body and mind. Softening your muscles allowing the massage jets to knead out knots and soothe those pains. Each day, you’ll step out of your hot tub feeling so much better than when you stepped in. And when your body feels right, your mood can follow suit and elevate as well.
hot tub wellness, relaxing in a hot tub, wellness benefits of spas, mental wellness, mental health, emotional wellness


More often than not, feeling better physically and mentally starts with a great night’s sleep. If you constantly find yourself tossing and turning in bed or just have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep in general, you should turn to your spa for relief. Soaking about an hour and a half before bedtime can relax your muscles, calm your nerves, and separate the evening from the cares of the day. Plus, the heat of the spa water will slightly raise your body’s temperature, simulating natural rhythms and making you drowsy so that you can fall asleep fast. When you wake up, you’ll feel refreshed and able to tackle another day.


The pressures of everyday life tend to set us back on our feet most of the time, causing us to react to life instead of enjoying it and anticipating what’s coming next. This whirling uncertainty can wreak havoc on your wellness. But by challenging yourself to develop a hot tub routine, you may find it easier to manage your ever-shifting schedule!

Try starting each morning with a stretch, a quick breakfast, and a 20-minute soak in your hot tub before tackling your day. Use that time to center yourself mentally and focus on the positive aspects of your day and your life as a whole. Stick to this soothing ritual and you’ll be able to respond more calmly and effectively to whatever daily life decides to throw at you!


If you’re a parent, busy schedules can make it seemingly impossible to spend much-needed quality time together as a family. School work, social events, and the demands of online social networking make it difficult to get the attention of your children. Not to mention, family dinners might often get pushed out of the way to make room for sports, music or dance practices.

Finding an activity that brings the family together in planned or spontaneous ways is easier when you have a hot tub in your backyard. Even if one child joins you in the spa during the course of an idle afternoon, other family members will often find it hard to resist joining in once they return home. Relaxing together can take the pressure out of talking about the things that matter most and bring everyone closer together.
hot tub wellness, relaxing in a hot tub, wellness benefits of spas, mental wellness, mental health, emotional wellness


The strong bonds you’ve developed over the years in college, at a workplace, or when the kids were young can be strained by busy schedules. It can often be difficult to even find just a few minutes to catch up with friends by phone. As a result, the emotional connections that once sustained you may dim as you see your friends less and less. But your hot tub can help spark that friendship back up again!

Invite your friends over for a soak. Your hot tub is one of the best places to socialize, strengthen old bonds, and ignite new friendships. Most importantly, these blasts from the past can work absolute emotional outlook, helping to remind you that the people you care about care about you too and bring joy to your life.

Improving emotional wellness is achieved over time by acting day after day in positive, intentional ways that enable you to take care of your body and mind and feel good about yourself. With a hot tub at your house, you can enjoy a soothing morning ritual every day in your own quiet space, ease aches and pains, sleep better, and enjoy living life to the fullest in every moment.