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7 Ways Your Whole Family Can Benefit From a Backyard Spa

Wait, what? You have a backyard spa?!

I’m so jealous, I wish my family had a spa.

Are you sick of not having a hot tub? Are you sick of having to go to a friend’s or neighbor’s house to enjoy the awesomeness a backyard spa has to offer?

Don’t worry, it’s normal. Everyone wants a spa.

Here are seven ways your whole family can benefit from a backyard spa.

1. Backyard Spas Are a Great Remedy for Stress

Is there anything more relaxing than submerging yourself in warm, comfy, blissful water? It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it.

Here at Thatcher, we know what it’s like to work hard, long days. That’s because we work hard to provide the highest quality pools, spas, and patios in Minnesota.

But what goes up, must come down. We understand long days at work can be stressful and you need some form of relaxation when you get home. Stress should be taken seriously and causes serious health implications if left unaddressed.

That’s why you and your family will love a backyard spa. After a long day at work, or whenever you or your family are feeling stressed over something, you can jump in the hot tub and forget your worries.

The perfect, adaptable water temperature mixed with therapeutic bubbles is a cocktail for euphoria. With a backyard spa handy, you’ll be saying goodbye to stress is no time.

Backyard spas are also a great place to meditate, providing a great surrounding to relieve your stress.

2. Quality Times Without Distractions

Nowadays phones rule our world, for the better and the worse. But what happened to good old fashioned quality family time?

One of the wonderful benefits of a backyard spa is that you can spend quality time with your spouse, kids, or friends without having the distractions of phones and computers. Enjoy pure conversations with more focus and attention.

Our spas can also cater to your technological and entertainment needs, meaning a spa is your number one spot for family entertainment, without unwanted distractions.

3. Backyard Spas Provide Pain Relief

That’s right. Once again, spas are awesome.

The use of warm water, as well as the bubbles from our spas, have been proven to not only help pain relief in muscles but also reduce inflammation in inflamed joints. Our advanced therapeutic jetting systems provide unbelievably beneficial massages to every part of your body.

A backyard spa = a massage parlor for you and the fam in the comfort of your own backyard.

4. A Time for Conversation

Backyard spas provide not only a relaxing, pain-relieving setting for the family but also a place for some great conversations. Just like the dinner table, but a whole lot more comfortable, a hot tub facilitates conversations between you and your friends or family.

The combination of stress relief, no distractions, and comfort mean these conversations have all the ingredients to flourish and bring you and your friends or family even closer.

Get ready for some great chats with your loved ones in the comfort of your backyard spa.

5. Backyard Spas Help You Get Quality Sleep

We are finding out more and more how much our sleep affects our mood, health, and longevity.

We all know what it feels like to get a bad night’s sleep. It sucks.

The next day you’re grumpy, snappy, unhappy, unfocused, and the list goes on. But not only is bad sleep terrible for you on a short term basis, but also for the long term.

Bad sleep negatively affects your longevity. Luckily, one of the many amazing qualities of backyard spas is that they are great for helping you get to sleep.

After spending some time in the tub, you and your family will feel ultra-relaxed, calm, and ready to sleep like a baby. Enjoy one of the best and most important qualities of a backyard spa: great sleep.

6. Backyard Spas Support Weight Loss

That’s right. The miracle machine strikes again.

Hot tubs can help you lose weight by increasing your heart rate, whilst relaxing you at the same time (what a combination) and helping you burn some calories.

The adaptable warm temperatures also help you sweat and burn energy, meaning not only as stated above you’ll be ready for a relaxed night of sleep, but you’ve also done a form of weight-losing exercise.

Losing weight whilst relaxing. Yes. It’s possible.

7. Impress Your Neighbor

With a backyard spa, you can be the hero amongst your friends and neighbors. We all know that one legend with a spa, who hosts the best barbecues or gatherings. Now that can be you.

Having a backyard spa means you have the perfect setting to invite over your friends and neighbors for a get-together with a luxurious little extra.

Prepare to develop an awesome reputation amongst your family, friends, and neighborhood as the perfect host. Step up the level of the parties and gatherings your backyard has to offer.

Are You Convinced On Backyard Spas?

Are you ready to step it up and purchase a hot tub? Here at Thatcher we not only have competitive pricing, but we also have great financing options for our backyard spas.

Do yourself and your family a favor. Treat yourself. Enjoy the vast benefits of what a hot tub has to offer.

If you’ve always wanted a spa and can relate to these seven of many great benefits, get into contact with us today!